Android Emulator stuck loading screen on M1 mac/ Apple Silicon

I had downloaded Android Studio on my M1 MacBook air but I can't run the emulator and it just gives me an error. I search Android Studio requirements for mac and it says that it requires mac os 10.10 or higher and a minimum of 2 GB disk space and 4GB of ram. Anyone have this issue and how do I solve it?

I try download the arm image android studio it is stuck on the loading screen for the emulator.

enter image description here

As for now (19/11/2020) any of the Virtualization tools do not work with the new Apple M1 macs. So things like docker, emulators etc. We might have to wait a bit until this is fully supported unfortunately.

Good news !

Edit on 28th July 2021 🎉 🌈

Apple Silicon Support

There is an arm64 release version available for Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) You can download it here

When NDK runs into Unknown host CPU architecture: arm64 you can solve it here

End of beta ! Thank you

Edit on March 2021

I can confirm, this preview of Emulator works properly

In the blog there is a link to a private repo (2021-Jan-04). They moved repo to google and there you find V3

Since v3 even audio-out works (no audio-in)

Edit on 4th Feb 2021

Now audio in and out works properly

Edit March 2021

You can simply use one of them and it's working out of the box

enter image description here

enter image description here

Ok it has some limitations, but it works

On August release notes you can see on the emulator for Arm host section an entry where they said the support for M1 is in progress. Check the link below:

As of today the android emulator is up and working on the Apple Silicon here's a working demo from a googler

enter image description here

source: And the known issues here:

we can expect the stable release by the end of 2020 here's a conversation about the same