Taking a bath in Adventure mode

How do I clean my dwarf and his items in Adventure mode? Currently I've killed a number of things and am covered in blood, leaving a trail of it behind me wherever I walk.

I doubt it'll impress the Queen much if I wander into her hall, leaving a red carpet behind me.

Entering water will clean contaminants such as blood and vomit off you. Lakes, brooks, rivers and seas all work. Keep in mind that if you haven't started with novice swimming skill or better you will likely perish, unless the body of water has sloped sides, in which case you can escape your would-be watery grave via a slope.

In DF2014 (maybe others too) adventure mode you can press e (eat) and choose bloody items/body parts. Your dwarf will lick them clean.

Build a dwarf shower!


Where W is water, _ are grates in the room, and | are doors.

As long as you keep the water flowing, you get clean dwarves.