Can't log in to GitHub on Android Studio

Try this:

On GitHub:

  • Log in -> Click on your avatar in the top right hand corner
  • Choose Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens
  • Click on the "Generate new token" button
  • Add a note if you want, like "Android Studio"
  • Select repo(all), read:org (under admin:org), gist
  • Click on the "Generate token" button
  • Copy the token

On Android Studio:

  • Go to File -> Settings -> Version Control -> GitHub -> Add an account
  • Click on the "Use Token" hyperlink, like in your screenshot
  • Paste your token, click login, click ok

"Log in to GitHub" prompt

  1. Go to the
  2. Click Personal Access Token from the left menu.
  3. Select repo and gist
  4. Generate your token
  5. Paste the token to your Android Studio

Edit** in step 3, you must select (repo, gist, and read:org)

For me, after doing the token sign up using the Android studio UI in Preferences - Github also requested again username/password after doing git pull, what I did to solve it is to place my username and in password paste again the copied token

enter image description here


  • Go to github developer settings
  • Generate a new token with repo, gist, read:org privileges
  • Copy the token
  • Go to android studio preferences-github press the - sign if you have another account and press the + sign to add a new account
  • Go to the use token link
  • Paste your copied token
  • Now your account is added to the IDE, press apply and OK
  • Now do a git pull (if you already are in a repo)
  • If asking for username , place your github username
  • If asking for password, do not put your github password, instead paste again the token you created there and press enter

Check if you have activated 2FA on your account.

If you have (two-factor authentication), then the password you should enter would actually be a PAT (Personal Access Token), in your settings, not your GitHub account password.