How to stop Album Art files from showing in a folder with songs?

How can I stop showing me those selected file from songs folder?


Solution 1:

You can use the find utility to delete album covers in our music folders:

find /music_path -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec rm -f {} \;

Now to remove the "desktop.ini" and "Thumbs.db" files use:

find /music_path -type f -name "desktop.ini" -exec rm -f {} \;
find /music_path -type f -name "Thumbs.db" -exec rm -f {} \;


You could use the even shorter version:

find /music_path -type f -name "*.jpg" -delete

find /music_path -type f -name "desktop.ini" -delete
find /music_path -type f -name "Thumbs.db" -delete

If you want also to remove the images tagged in the audio mp3 files you can use the eyeD3 application. Install it:

sudo apt-get install eyed3

Now you can remove those images:

eyeD3 --remove-images *.mp3

Take a look on man eyeD3

       eyeD3 - displays and manipulates id3-tags on mp3 files

              Remove all image (APIC) frames from the tag.

Solution 2:

Use Nautilus [Files icon in the launcher]

Open the folder containing the thumbnails and click Edit, select Preferences, click Previews tab.

In the Files section Show Thumbnails click the drop down arrow and select never close the Preferences window.

Thumbnails should now be gone.