Does microstream already support JDK 15 - Problem with record

Solution 1:

thank you for your interest in microstream. Unfortunately, I can't come to the place where the problem is from the description of the problem. The code that is in the description comes from the jdk class Since I can't reproduce your problem yet, I quickly did a small test project in github, where the basic test for Records is in Java.

public record PersonRecord(String firstName, String lastName) {

    public void saveRecordTest() {
        PersonRecord personRecord = new PersonRecord("Maria", "Lukasova");

        EmbeddedStorageManager storage = EmbeddedStorage.start(personRecord, location);

        PersonRecord secondRecord = new PersonRecord("Kamila", "Pazourkova");
        storage = EmbeddedStorage.start(secondRecord, location);

        Assertions.assertEquals("Maria", secondRecord.firstName());


Records are still only preview function, so it is necessary to enable it. For example in Maven:

                    <release>14</release> <!-- <release>13/14/15</release> -->