iPhone 12 mini screen parameters are unexpected

Per the tech specs page, the screen is 2340 x 1080 pixels, but in the simulator (12.2 betas 3) it is 2436 x 1125.

screen parameters are unexpected: MGScreenClass1125x2436x3x495 SCREEN_TYPE(1125,2436,3,495)

I am sure Apple will fix it soon, but for the moment for workaround you can disable the logs

Go and add to:
Project > Edit Scheme > Run > Arguments > Environment Variables

Value: disable

This is not a solution it is only a very DANGEROUS workaround
Dangerous like when it is active it hides all NSLogs from a real device and etc.

Enabling this option will allow you to read your own logs more clearly however you can miss other IMPORTANT ERROR MESSAGES since they might not appear