Is it wise to use PHP for a daemon?

As others have noted, various versions of PHP have issues with their garbage collectors. Of course, if you know that your version does not have such issues, you eliminate that problem. The point is, you don't know (for sure) until you write the daemon and run it through valgrind to see if the installed PHP leaks or not on any given machine. So on that hand, you may write it just to discover that what Zend thinks is fixed might still be buggy, or you are dealing with a slightly older version of PHP or some extension. Icky.

The other problem is somewhat buggy signals. In my experience, signal handlers are not always entered correctly with PHP, especially when the signal is queued instead of merged. That may not be an issue for you, i.e. if you just need to handle SIGINT/SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2/SIGHUP.

So, I suggest:

If the daemon is simple, go ahead and use PHP. If it looks like its going to get rather complex, or allocate lots of memory, you might consider writing it in C after prototyping it in PHP.

I am a pretty die hard C person. However, I see nothing wrong with hammering out something quick using PHP (beyond the cases that I explained). I also see nothing wrong with using PHP to prototype something that may or may not be later rewritten in C. For instance, handling database stuff is going to be much simpler if you use PHP, versus managing callbacks using other interfaces in C. So in that instance, for a 'one off', you will surely get it done much faster.

I would be inclined to perform this task with a cron job, rather than polling the database in a daemon.

It's likely that your FFmpeg command will take a while to do it's thing, right? In that case, is it really necessary to be constantly polling the database? Wouldn't a cronjob running each minute (or every five, ten or twenty minutes for that matter) be a simpler way to achieve the same thing?

Php isn't any better or worse for this kind of thing than any of the other common scripting languages. It has fairly complete access to all of the system calls and library utilities you would need to do this sort of work. If you are most comfortable using PHP for scripting, then php will do the job for you.

The only down side is that php is not quite as ubiquitous as, say, perl or python, which is installed on almost every flavor of unix. Php is only found on systems that are going to be serving dynamic web content. Not that a Php interpreter is too large or costly to install also, but if your biggest concern is getting your program to many systems, that may be a slight hurdle.

I'll be contrary and recommend you try the php daemon. It's apparently the language you know the best. You'll presumably incorporate a timer in any case, so you can duplicate the querying frequency on the database. There's really no penalty as long as you aren't naively looping on a query.

If it's something not executed frequently, you could alternatively run the php from cron, letting youor code drain the queue and then die.

But don't be afraid to stick with what you know best, as a first approximation.

Try not to use triggers. They'll impose unnecessary coupling, and they're no fun to test and debug.