How to run rc.local as normal user?
The easiest way to launch a command when a user logs in is to create a .desktop
file for the command and stick it in the ~/.config/autostart
folder. What does the desktop file look like? Here is an example that retrieves the Ask Ubuntu home page with wget
every time the user logs in:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Launch wget
Comment=Fetches the Ask Ubuntu home page.
I don't know the differences between /etc/rc.local and a crontab, but I generally make a service account and add the appropriate job. For example: sudo crontab -u p4padmin -e
@reboot ~/bin/p4p -d -r ~/var/p4p/cache/foo -p 2020 -t depot:2020 -L ~/var/p4p/log/foo.log
You don't have to login for the service to execute.