How do I Delegate a subdomain to Route53

Solution 1:

It looks like you're trying to set up a zone transfer which you can't do, as ChrisV said.

To do a delegation for a sub domain you need only create NS records for the sub in the parent's zone.

So in's zonefile:

aws    IN  NS
aws    IN  NS
aws    IN  NS
aws    IN  NS

Then you define all your records for the zone in the route 53 name servers.

Solution 2:

It appears that I had some other errors in my zone file which was causing my name server to give me the SERVFAIL responses. I guess it was also giving cached responses from the secondaries and the errors weren't obvious in my logs.

What did work was installing the nslint package (Debian) ... running it and walking over each error, fixing it, until the error went away.

In this case the delegation works with just the "glue" records in my zone file ... and I'm not attempting to slave nor even define forwarders in my named.conf.