HDD + SSD Raid 0, does it make sense?

On my laptop, I have a 22GB SSD and a 500GB HDD. I just reinstalled Windows and because of some problems, I reset everything in Intel RST. In the end I ended up using a 44GB Raid 0 partition, but now I have read more about it, I feel like that doesn't make much sense. I think I won't get any speed benefit from using an SSD, as it will be capped at the speed of the HDD.

  1. Is there any benefit to using an SSD/HDD Raid 0 system?
  2. The biggest problem is, I guess, that my SSD drive is only 22GB. What do you think is the best set up for this system?
  3. If you are suggesting not using Raid 0 and just using the SSD separately, now that I have installed Windows, is there a way to remove the Raid 0, and just put all the files in the SSD drive and use the HDD only for programs (still though programs won't benefit from the speed of the SSD), without reinstalling Windows?

Solution 1:

I ended up using Intel Smart Response, which promises a good performance improvement using caching. I haven't done any benchmark, and never used pure SSD systems, so I'm not sure how good it is, but it seems fast enough.