Google Chrome can't access localhost domains

This is my first time trying Chrome and I can't access localhost, or any other local domain I have setup from within Chrome 29.0.1547.66. They all work fine in Firefox and Internet Explorer, and have for years.

Nothing happens at all in Chrome when I try to load one of these pages. Loading icon just spins indefinitely.

What's up with Chrome?

System: Windows 8
Server: Softaculous AMPPS 2.0

Additional troubleshooting performed with @50-3 in comments; comments have since been removed to free up space

  • Disabled same origin policy --disable-web-security
  • Tried accessing via, http://localhost:80
  • Server not yet configured to allow connection from network IP address

I finally found a solution to this. Go to chrome://flags and set "Built-in Asynchronous DNS" to "Disabled", then restart the browser.

This allows all local domains to be accessed. Looks like DNS was just choking up the issue.

Plagiarizing from Louie Bertoncin's answer on Chrome: how to stop redirect from http:// to https://--

My problem came from having a .dev domain, which was apparently recently registered as a [generic top-level-domain] and put in a commit to Chrome Canary. I found this out from a recent post I came across as I searched for my problem.

If you have the same problem I do, it appears that the best solution is to change your domain to be something other than .dev. The article suggested .test with a potential solution of .localhost later down the road (via this proposal).