"Get-AdComputer -filter" doesnt return anything when looking for Vista Clients
Solution 1:
That T
in "VistaT" is no T at all - it represents a trademark symbol: ™ (U+2122 or #8482 in Unicode)
Try this:
Get-Computers -OperatingSystem $("Windows Vista" + [char]8482 + " Business")
Why Microsoft chose to abuse the ability to store unicode symbols in string value attributes in this way is beyond me.
Here is how I found out:
(When you cast a .NET char
to an integer, you'll get the byte value for ASCII chars, or a 2-byte codepoint for unicode characters)
$osString = (Get-ADComputer [VistaComputerName] -Properties operatingSystem).operatingSystem
foreach($c in $osString.ToCharArray())
Write-Host $("$c: " + "$([int]$c)")
At this point, my output consisted of all ASCII chars (all integers a single byte), except for the T
W: 87
i: 105
n: 110
d: 100
o: 111
w: 119
s: 115
: 32
V: 86
i: 105
s: 115
t: 116
a: 97
T: 8482
: 32
B: 66
u: 117
s: 115
i: 105
n: 110
e: 101
s: 115
s: 115