how to write setTimeout with params by Coffeescript
I think it's a useful convention for callbacks to come as the last argument to a function. This is usually the case with the Node.js API, for instance. So with that in mind:
delay = (ms, func) -> setTimeout func, ms
delay 1000, -> something param
Granted, this adds the overhead of an extra function call to every setTimeout
you make; but in today's JS interpreters, the performance drawback is insignificant unless you're doing it thousands of times per second. (And what are you doing setting thousands of timeouts per second, anyway?)
Of course, a more straightforward approach is to simply name your callback, which tends to produce more readable code anyway (jashkenas is a big fan of this idiom):
callback = -> something param
setTimeout callback, 1000
setTimeout ( ->
something param
), 1000
The parentheses are optional, but starting the line with a comma seemed messy to me.
setTimeout ->
something param
, 1000