Is if(items != null) superfluous before foreach(T item in items)?

You still need to check if (items != null) otherwise you will get NullReferenceException. However you can do something like this:

List<string> items = null;  
foreach (var item in items ?? new List<string>())

but you might check performance of it. So I still prefer having if (items != null) first.

Based on Eric's Lippert suggestion I changed code to:

List<string> items = null;  
foreach (var item in items ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>())

Using C# 6 you could use the new null conditional operator together with List<T>.ForEach(Action<T>) (or your own IEnumerable<T>.ForEach extension method).

List<string> items = null;
items?.ForEach(item =>
    // ...

The real takeaway here should be a sequence should almost never be null in the first place. Simply make it an invariant in all of your programs that if you have a sequence, it is never null. It is always initialized to be the empty sequence or some other genuine sequence.

If a sequence is never null then obviously you don't need to check it.

Actually there is a feature request on that @Connect:

And the response is quite logical:

I think that most foreach loops are written with the intent of iterating a non-null collection. If you try iterating through null you should get your exception, so that you can fix your code.