Ubuntu 14.04 on Mac gets too hot

Solution 1:

You need to install Nvidia driver and also a switch utility.

Run in terminal

sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 nvidia-prime

and reboot.

Without the driver both Nvidia and Intel adapters consume power and that is why the laptop is heating.

You can check which adapter is working by

prime-select query

Switch to Nvidia by

sudo prime-select nvidia

switch to Intel by

sudo prime-select intel

Or do in in GUI Nvidia-Settings program.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

The problem got sorted out for me.
I am running 16.04 on Macbook pro retina 2015

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mactel-support
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install macfanctld

After installing it, view its manual by running

man macfanctld

it will show the config file path. Mostly it will be the below path


Open the config file and edit it according to your needs. I will post my config file here which is working perfectly fine for Macbook Pro 13 inch retina.

# Config file for macfanctl daemon
# Note: 0 < temp_X_floor < temp_X_ceiling
#       0 < fan_min < 6200       

fan_min: 4000

temp_avg_floor: 30
temp_avg_ceiling: 40

temp_TC0P_floor: 30
temp_TC0P_ceiling: 40

temp_TG0P_floor: 30
temp_TG0P_ceiling: 40

# Add sensors to be excluded here, separated by space, i.e.
# exclude: 1 7
# will disable reading of sensors temp1_input and temp7_input.


# log_level values:
#   0: Startup / Exit logging only
#   1: Basic temp / fan logging
#   2: Log all sensors  

log_level: 0

Save the config file and restart for safety. This package seems to run like a daemon on the background and control the fan speed. I can hear fan speeds dynamically changing from the fan noise.