Disable Automatic Reference Counting for Some Files

Solution 1:

It is not very intuitive how to disable ARC on MULTIPLE files, for a while I was do it one by one until a figured out how to do that.

  1. Select desired files at Target/Build Phases/Compile Sources in Xcode (CMD+click or Shift+click)
  2. PRESS ENTER (double click will reset the selection, so it does't work)
  3. Type -fno-objc-arc
  4. Press Enter or Done

Solution 2:

The public ARC docs, while not directly clear on this point, seem to suggest that as long as each class is either all ARC or all manually-managed, the classes can be integrated into a single program.

You only can't mix ARC and non-ARC in a single class; the document says that sending retain, release, autorelease, or retainCount messages by any means (including timers and delayed performs, which use @selector) is banned in ARC code. So you can't do non-ARC in an ARC class (because the necessary messages are banned) and you can't do ARC in a non-ARC class (because ARC adds syntax elements that are invalid without ARC).

The same document is a bit clearer on whether you can integrate non-ARC libraries/frameworks into an ARC program: Yes. It doesn't mention whether you can use ARC libraries/frameworks in a program where all your code is non-ARC, but given all of the above, the implication seems to be yes.

Solution 3:

If you want to disable Automatic Reference Counting for some Files then its really simple to do just follow the steps.You add compiler flags in Targets -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources.


The flag used is -fno-objc-arc press enter after writing it.! You have to double click on the right column of the row under Compiler Flags. Hope it helps Thanks :)