Linux command or script counting duplicated lines in a text file?

If I have a text file with the following conent

red apple
green apple
green apple

Is there a Linux command or script that I can use to get the following result?

1 red apple
2 green apple
3 orange

Solution 1:

Send it through sort (to put adjacent items together) then uniq -c to give counts, i.e.:

sort filename | uniq -c

and to get that list in sorted order (by frequency) you can

sort filename | uniq -c | sort -nr

Solution 2:

Almost the same as borribles' but if you add the d param to uniq it only shows duplicates.

sort filename | uniq -cd | sort -nr

Solution 3:

uniq -c file

and in case the file is not sorted already:

sort file | uniq -c