Is there any way to find the base prices for goods in Patrician III?
I'm just wondering if there is a list somewhere of the base prices used for the goods in Patrician III, so I know what to set as a reasonable auto-buy/sell rates for goods. As I play the game, it seems to me that prices are calculated on some kind of curve about a 'base' price which is where there are "ample" supplies - scarcity below this 'ample' value would increase the price to a limit, and abundance would decrease the price.
I want to set my auto-buy prices at just below this 'base' value to ensure that I'm getting a good deal, and auto-sell prices at just above this 'base' value to prevent flooding the market.
I've found the wiki, which has a list of 'highest and lowest' from watching fluctuations in gameplay, but can't figure out the base values from them.
Beer 40
Bricks 80
Cloth 250
Fish 450
Grain 110
Hemp 350
Honey 120
Iron Goods 350
Leather 300
Meat 1100
Pig Iron 1000
Pitch 55
Pottery 200
Salt 30
Skins 750
Spices 400
Timber 60
Whale Oil 75
Wine 220
Wool 950
Beer 45
Bricks 90
Cloth 300
Fish 550
Grain 130
Hemp 400
Honey 140
Iron Goods 450
Leather 350
Meat 1250
Pig Iron 1200
Pitch 60
Pottery 220
Salt 35
Skins 900
Spices 450
Timber 80
Whale Oil 100
Wine 270
Wool 1050
( from all credit to SinStar87)