gpointing-device-settings lost on reboot
I've been using gpointing-device-settings to enable both two-finger and edge scrolling on my trackpad, but it seems to not "remember" after reboot. The settings are still "ticked" in gpointing-device-settings but two-finger scrolling doesn't work until I uncheck and recheck the tickboxes for two-finger scrolling. How can I get Ubuntu to remember after reboot that I want both two-finger and edge scrolling without having to open gpointing-device-settings each time?
Solution 1:
In dconf-editor you can edit the settings like this:
Go to org/gnome/settings-daemon/peripherals/touchpad There you can select e.g. two finger scrolling instead of boarder scrolling, disable while typing, tap-to click and all the other nice usability-enhancing features.
Maybe it's not as nice as gpointing-device-settings, but if they are not able to keep their tool updated, just forget about it and use dconf-editor.
this seems to affect hundreds or thousands Linux Users from many distributions it seems.
Solution 2:
Store your current settings:
synclient -l | sed 's/Parameter settings://;s/ //g' > ~/.synpadSettings
Recover them:
cat ~/.synpadSettings | xargs synclient
I'm sure there's a good place to put these as shutdown and startup scripts for the your X session.