Remove or hide desktop folder in ~ (Xubuntu)
I've never used "Desktop" folder in my home directory for anything and I would like to remove but it always recreates itself when I delete it or hide it. It's pretty sticky.
I've also tried include folder into .hidden file, editing user-dirs.conf in /etc and /etc/xdg but with no success.
It reminds me every day that I'm not able to get rid of it :-)
Thank you for any information.
There are two possible solutions (as far as I can tell):
Move the Desktop folder
- Open the file
in a text editor - Change the line
to point to some other location
(for example:XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/.config/desktop"
Do not just remove the line:
Doing so will make it use the default value ($HOME/Desktop
) and you'll end up in the same situation that you are already in :-)
Do not just remove the line:
- Save the file
- Log out and back in
Disable the desktop entirely (advanced)
This is a more advanced method that will disable desktop management entirely (including desktop folder creation and display).
- Launch a terminal (if you don't know how than this isn't for you)
- Type in this command:
xfconf-query --channel "xfce4-session" --property "/sessions/Failsafe/Client4_Command" --type string --set ""
- Basically it tells the session manager (the thing that starts and monitors your desktop and window manager, panel, ...) to not start any desktop manager ("Client2") anymore
- Log out and back in
If you wish to re-enable desktop management later on, do the same steps as above but use the command xfconf-query --channel "xfce4-session" --property "/sessions/Failsafe/Client4_Command" --type string --set "xfdesktop"