Non-sudo alternative to /usr/local/bin for common scripts

Solution 1:

What are my options? Is there another path with the same "run from anywhere" capability, which I can access without sudo, or another way to achieve something equivalent?

How to do it?

Create some dir in your home to hold your scripts normally named as bin as convention.

mkdir ~/bin

Now move your scripts to bin

mv somescript ~/bin

Now how to make it tun from everywhere?!

You have to add the bin to the PATH

open your .bashrc

gedit .bashrc

and add this line:

export PATH=$PATH:/home/username/bin

Don't forget to replace username with your User Name

Save and exit, then source the bashrc

source .bashrc

and now you are fine, you can run your script as you used to do! but you have to notice this is related to your user only.

Note: It's better to rename your scripts other than 1 ,2 since you may face some issues with that names


You can do same just create the bin dir in your home then source ~/.profile instead of ~/.bashrc. Since adding the ~/bin to your PATH is already listed in .profile

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Solution 2:

In addition to you might can also define an alias inside your .bashrc for small, often used tasks. E.g.

alias ll='ls -l'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

will create you a "command" ll, which is doing ls -l and ls will be coloured after defining the alias. is having some more examples and a howto for setting it up.