How to add New Column with Value to the Existing DataTable?

I have One DataTable with 5 Columns and 10 Rows. Now I want to add one New Column to the DataTable and I want to assign DropDownList value to the New Column. So the DropDownList value should be added 10 times to the New Column. How to do this? Note: Without using FOR LOOP.

For Example: My Existing DataTable is like this.

   ID             Value
  -----          -------
    1              100
    2              150

Now I want to add one New Column "CourseID" to this DataTable. I have One DropDownList. Its selected value is 1. So My Existing Table should be like below:

    ID              Value         CourseID
   -----            ------       ----------
    1                100             1
    2                150             1

How to do this?

Solution 1:

Without For loop:

Dim newColumn As New Data.DataColumn("Foo", GetType(System.String))     
newColumn.DefaultValue = "Your DropDownList value" 


System.Data.DataColumn newColumn = new System.Data.DataColumn("Foo", typeof(System.String));
newColumn.DefaultValue = "Your DropDownList value";

Solution 2:

Add the column and update all rows in the DataTable, for example:

DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
tbl.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", typeof(Int32)));
tbl.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string)));
for (Int32 i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    DataRow row = tbl.NewRow();
    row["ID"] = i;
    row["Name"] = i + ". row";
DataColumn newCol = new DataColumn("NewColumn", typeof(string));
newCol.AllowDBNull = true;
foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows) {
    row["NewColumn"] = "You DropDownList value";
//if you don't want to allow null-values'
newCol.AllowDBNull = false;