How do I convert hash keys to method names?

Solution 1:

You could just wrap up your hash in an OpenStruct:

require 'ostruct'
tempData = {"a" => 100, "here" => 200, "c" => "hello"}
os = tempData
os.a #=> 100 #=> 200

If you really really wanted to, you could also monkey-patch the Hash class, but I'd advise against that:

class Hash
  def method_missing(m, *args, &blk)
    fetch(m) { fetch(m.to_s) { super } }

tempData = {"a" => 100, "here" => 200, "c" => "hello"}
tempData.a #=> 100

Update: In my personal extensions library I added a Hash#to_ostruct method. This will recursively convert a hash into an OpenStruct including all nested hashes.

Solution 2:

There is another way to do this.

JSON.parse(tempData.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)

that will give object #<OpenStruct a=100, here=200, c="hello">

In this way nested hash also will be converted to OpenStruct Object

tempData = {a: { b: { c: 3}}, foo: 200, msg: 'test msg'}
obj = JSON.parse(tempData.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)

Now we are able to call

obj.a.b.c # 3 # 200
obj.msg # 'test msg'

Hope this will help someone.

Solution 3:

Alternatively, if it’s just a small script it might be more convenient to just extend Hash itself

class Hash
  def method_missing sym,*

method_missing is a magic method that is called whenever your code tries to call a method that does not exist. Ruby will intercept the failing call at run time and let you handle it so your program can recover gracefully. The implementation above tries to access the hash using the method name as a symbol, the using the method name as a string, and eventually fails with Ruby's built-in method missing error.

NB for a more complex script, where adding this behavior might break other third-party gems, you might alternatively use a module and extend each instance

module H
  def method_missing sym,*

the = { answer: 42 }
the.answer # => 42

and for greater convenience you can even propagate the module down to nested hashes

module H
  def method_missing sym,*
    r = fetch(sym){fetch(sym.to_s){super}}
    Hash === r ? r.extend(H) : r

the = { answer: { is: 42 } }
the.extend(H) # => 42