Connect to Linux-based VPN Using Windows 7's Native VPN Connection Wizard?

Solution 1:

Not 100% sure on what Windows 7 is looking for but previous versions of Windows natively supported PPTP. The Linux server for this is called PoPToP.

I too however do prefer OpenVPN but if your requirements are that it works with Windows natively PoPToP is what you're looking for. We use it where I work for two reasons. It's what they were using when I started here and it works with the iPhone where OpenVPN doesn't currently.

Solution 2:

Got it working! Thanks 3dinfluence!

Ubuntu Server:

  1. apt-get install pptpd
  2. Edit /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf and uncomment: net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
  3. Reboot
  4. Forward all necessary VPN ports to the Ubuntu server and make sure there is no firewall blocking them

Windows 7:

  1. Create a new connection to a VPN
  2. Follow the wizard and enter the external address of the Ubuntu server

Good times.

Solution 3:

Linux's IPSec servers (FreeSWAN, OpenSWAN, StrongSWAN) all support L2TP, which WinXP, Vista (and i presume 7) all support natively. Installing the certificate is a minor PITA, but after that it works like PPTP, only without the nasty vulnerabilities in the latter!