Add file specific good words to internal vim wordlist (via modeline)

Currently Vim provides no "native" mechanism to do this, although I think it is a good idea. The only thing I can think of is an :autocmd that calls a function that searches for a special section in the file and then moves the cursor over the words in that section and triggers zG with :normal commands. This would be messy and I would be reluctant to bother with it.

Edit: Of course, somehow I overlooked the existence of :spellgood!, even though it is in your question. This makes the job much more feasible. I came up with a basic implementation which you can tweak to fit your needs:

function! AutoSpellGoodWords()
    let l:goodwords_start = search('\C-\*-SpellGoodWordsStart-\*-', 'wcn')
    let l:goodwords_end = search('\C-\*-SpellGoodWordsEnd-\*-', 'wcn')
    if l:goodwords_start == 0 || l:goodwords_end == 0
    let l:lines = getline(l:goodwords_start + 1, l:goodwords_end - 1)
    let l:words = []
    call map(l:lines, "extend(l:words, split(v:val, '\\W\\+'))")
    for l:word in l:words
        silent execute ':spellgood! ' . l:word

autocmd BufReadPost * call AutoSpellGoodWords()

This will search for a block that looks something like this:

word1 word2 word3
word4 word5 ...

And each word it finds--in this case, word1, word2, word3, word4, and word5--within the block it will add to the temporary good words list.

Just be aware that I have not stress-tested this.