Is there a way in firestore to get full document path for documents retrieved using collection_group query in python?

For example, I have a subcollection called schedule whose path is "/organization/{organization_doc}/team/{team_doc}/schedule/{schedule_doc}" and my collection group query is

    .where(u'active', u'==', True)
    .where(u'send', u'==', True)

I need to the get the document path for the documents retrieved using this query (ex:/organization/1UlA6MneaEnJO5BvTTtO/team/pcmR21Rc0ZdpacsY1tuC/schedule/mxDROVShx3Uo3FMN9Ohr). I'm am able to get schedule_doc id(mxDROVShx3Uo3FMN9Ohr) using but I need the complete path which includes organization_doc id and team_doc id.

When you're iterating the results of the stream, each DocumentSnapshot object will have a reference property which is a DocumentReference object that contains the full path of the document.