Flash player in Epiphany

Flash is GTK+2 and Epiphany is GTK+3...that's the problem.

  1. install flash sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
  2. install nspluginwrapper sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper
  3. sudo nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so
  4. nspluginwrapper -v -a -n -i

I'm on Xubuntu 12.04, the lib is in /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/.

So in my case the code is:

sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper
sudo nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so
nspluginwrapper -v -a -n -i

I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 and in my case I installed flashplugin using Ubuntu Software Centre and so it installed the plugin at /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so. I did following and Flash worked perfectly in Epiphany 3.4.1.

sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper
sudo nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so
nspluginwrapper -v -a -n -i

I solve problem with adobe flash player in epiphany 3.6 ;-)

This is what I do:

  1. sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin nspluginwrapper
  2. sudo nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so
  3. nspluginwrapper -v -a -n -i

If you are using Ubuntu 64-bit, install adobe-flashplugin:i386 instead of adobe-flashplugin, before using nspluginwrapper.

sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin:i386 nspluginwrapper
nspluginwrapper -v -a -n -i