Webkit-based blurry/distorted text post-animation via translate3d

None of these seem to have worked for me but I've found a slightly dirty solution which seemed to do the trick:

top: 49.9%;
left: 49.9%;
-webkit-transform: translate(-50.1%, -50.1%);
transform: translate(-50.1%, -50.1%);

As @Robert mentioned above, sometimes adding background helps, but not always.

So, for the example Dmitry added that's not the only thing you must do: except from the background, you must tell browser to explicitly use the proper anti-aliasing, so, there is a fixed Dmitry's example: http://jsfiddle.net/PtDVF/1/

You need to add these styles around (or for the) blocks where you need to fix the anti-aliasing:

background: #FFF; /* Or the actual color of your background/applied image */
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;