Setting java locale settings

When I use the default java locale on my linux machine it comes out with the US locale settings, where do I change this so that it comes out with the correct locale?

With the user.language, and user.variant properties.


java -Duser.language=th -Duser.variant=TH SomeClass

I had to control this in a script that ran on a machine with French locale, but a specific Java program had to run with en_US. As already pointed out, the following works:

java -Duser.language=en ...


LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 java ...

I prefer the latter.

I believe java gleans this from the environment variables in which it was launched, so you'll need to make sure your LANG and LC_* environment variables are set appropriately.

The locale manpage has full info on said environment variables.

You could call during init or whatever Locale.setDefault() or -Duser.language=,, and -Duser.variant= at the command line. Here's something on Sun's site.