How to disable all div content

I was under the assumption that if I disabled a div, all content got disabled too.

However, the content is grayed but I can still interact with it.

Is there a way to do that? (disable a div and get all content disabled also)

Many of the above answers only work on form elements. A simple way to disable any DIV including its contents is to just disable mouse interaction. For example:



.disabledbutton {
    pointer-events: none;
    opacity: 0.4;


Many commented like these: "This will only disallow mouse events, but the control is still enabled" and "you can still navigate by keyboard". You Could add this code to your script and inputs can't be reached in other ways like keyboard tab. You could change this code to fit your needs.

$([Parent Container]).find('input').each(function () {
     $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Use a framework like JQuery to do things like:

function toggleStatus() {
    if ($('#toggleElement').is(':checked')) {
        $('#idOfTheDIV :input').attr('disabled', true);
    } else {
        $('#idOfTheDIV :input').removeAttr('disabled');

Disable And Enable Input Elements In A Div Block Using jQuery should help you!

As of jQuery 1.6, you should use .prop instead of .attr for disabling.

Here is a quick comment for people who don't need a div but just a blockelement. In HTML5 <fieldset disabled="disabled"></fieldset> got the disabled attribute. Every form element in a disabled fieldset is disabled.