Why do I get "RangeError: date value is not finite in DateTimeFormat format()" when using Intl.DateTimeFormat in React?

I cannot see where the date format is being passed incorrectly to cause the RangeError?

I don't seem to be able to parse user.created. The user details are being brought in from a json response in reality, but I've shown them as a variable in this example.

Here's my MRE:

import * as React from "react";

function Details() {
  const user = {
    firstName: "Anthony",
    created: "2020-08-19T23:13:44.514Z",
    updated: "2020-09-12T00:31:31.275Z"

  const userJoined = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", {
    year: "numeric",
    month: "long",
    day: "2-digit"

  return (
        {new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", {
          year: "numeric",
          month: "long",
          day: "2-digit"

export { Details };

Edit nostalgic-dewdney-jrob9

Solution 1:

You may need to parse the string to date.

  const user = {
    firstName: "Anthony",
    created: new Date("2020-08-19T23:13:44.514Z"),
    updated: new Date("2020-09-12T00:31:31.275Z")

Solution 2:

You get this when you pass an invalid date to format(). Make sure it is a Date().