How can I render an SSD permanently inoperable with no chance of data recovery?

Solution 1:

With any device, completely physically destroying it would work. For example, dumping a load of thermite on top, or throwing it into an incinerator. Unfortunately, unlike HDDs, drilling a couple of holes randomly likely won't work - but if you can locate the flash chips, you can smash those up.

Apart from that, SSDs all (to the best of my knowledge, though it is difficult to confirm without testing) implement the ATA secure erase command (or its SCSI equivalent), which can be sent to cause the firmware to erase all data.

Solution 2:

I found a couple of solutions that are destructive to .375 particle size. The "Crushers" are not cheap, but if info destruction is required, this looks like a way to do it without setting the drives on fire.

This looks like it will do for a desk top situation with low volume SSD- Hard Drive Crushers - CUI / Commercial Use.


And this one is more costly, but at .375 particle size:


Solution 3:

To avoid RSI, fumes or electric shocks, I suggest buying a blender to shred the cards.

These are always fun: What Happens When You Blend A PS2 Memory Card?

Funny yes. But considering the cards are too small for normal office shredders - probably the practical solution.

Solution 4:

With solid state drive you need to invoke a Secure Erase command in the disk controller or ATA Secure Erase command. Now in theory this will be "secure" and you wouldn't be able to recover the data after that. This however is not always the case as discussed over on the security SE ATA security erase on SSD

Kingston has published an article on the subject as well "SSD Data Wiping: Sanitize or Secure Erase SSDs?"

Now as Bob said "With any device, completely physically destroying it would work" this is and will always be the only way to guarantee that the device will be permanently inoperable with no chance of data recovery. Now like you said not all of us have access to thermite however that shouldn't stop you from going over the top to destroy it. You could use electrolysis you could use a microwave or you can use the age old technique of getting a hammer and converting your storage device into dust.
Discalmer: Great fun the first time you do it but gets tiring on your 5th device