Where is the terminal server client (tsclient?)

I accidentally done partial upgrade and there was Gnome3 ppa and broke my unity. After failed attempt to rescue (ppa-purge et al) I decided the only solution was to upgrade to Oneiric beta2 (fresh install is not an option). Now In Natty I was using terminal server client to do remote connection (mostly RDP). I cannot find tsclient in package. I have googled with no avail. I have tested Remmina and the other Ubuntu RDP packages and I'm dissatisfied at best. Is there a way to install terminal server client? Did Oneiric abandon it? What is their proposed alternative? IMHO terminal server client is the best RDP client (GUI) Thanks!

I'm using Remmina from much time and I'm satisfied of it, comparing with tsclient it's modern and easy to save and group connections. I think it will become the standard RDP client.

You can also integrate it in Unity: Remmina Unity Launcher

As an alternative, you can also launch rdesktop directly from the command line.

It looks like TSClient has been removed in Oneiric. Due to problems with compatibility to GTK3.

They propose another application: Vinagre.

tsclient will install with errors, but does work. Download deb file from ubuntu and install


Tested and working on 11.10 with Unity and Gnome 3