How to pull a pull request quickly locally

Before I merge a pull request I want to quickly pull the request locally and run tests and test out a few stuffs. I don't want to hit the gihub merge pull request yet.

I thought pulley would help . But I am getting error

$ node pulley.js 76

        throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick

Is there any other tool that will help me quickly pull a "pull request"?

Click the (i) on the left side of the "merge pull request" bar, it will give you the commands you need.


Why not just use the following?

git remote add -f <test_repo_name> <test_repo_url>
git checkout -b <branch> <test_repo_name>/master
...test as needed
...merge if you like it

Taken from the official github page (in July 2013, but this may change):

Step 1: Check out a new branch to test the changes — run this from your project directory

git checkout -b otherrepo-develop develop

Step 2: Bring in otherrepos's (where the commits comes from) changes and test

git pull git:// develop

Step 3: AFTER SUCCESSFUL TESTING ! Merge the changes and update the server

git checkout develop
git merge otherrepo-develop
git push origin develop

Just a quick idea, why not create a local branch, then perform the pull on the original (remotely tracked) branch?