Strange value in DNS shown in ipconfig

If I run ipconfig /all, in the DNS field it is showing numbers such as fec:0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec:0:0:0:ffff::2%1 and fec:0:0:0:ffff::3%1. nslookup shows some kind of DNS error (lookup not found or similar). What does this mean and how do I fix it?

I haven't changed anything at the computer side. I am supposed to be able to connect to the Internet as soon as I plug in the cable but this day the Internet stopped working for some reason. So when I checked ipconfig I saw those strange values.

This is what ipconfig shows about DNS:

I didn't change anything recently in my system preferences.

Somehow you have enabled IPv6 on your node. Those are default IPv6 "site local anycast" addresses for DNS that Microsoft configures automatically if no other IPv6 DNS addresses are configured. They are obsolete (site local was deprecated in 2004, see Wikipedia). See also the IETF draft IPv6 Stateless DNS Discovery.

They are kind of like link local (fe80::), but can cross internal routers (link local won't cross any router). Microsoft DNS servers will accept DNS connections to any of those addresses, so this allows IPv6 DNS to work without any additional configuration. Not all DNS servers accept these.

Anycast means you can have several servers all publish the same address, but only one will actually accept any given connection from a client (different from multicast and unicast). Anycast is something new in IPv6.

You probably aren't actually using IPv6, so I suggest you configure some IPv4 addresses for DNS. You may want to disable IPv6, although somehow your node thinks it is available to you. Perhaps your ISP has started routing it to you - most will be doing that sooner or later. You should start learning it now, as IPv4 is on the way out - within a couple of months all the major RIRs will be out of public IPv4 addresses - the only public addresses available will be IPv6 from then on (except in very limited number, for very high prices). All but ARIN (N. America) are already out - APNIC ran out back in early 2011.

You are indeed using IPv6. This is the default address, something like the 169. addresses in IPv4 that Windows uses and indicates that you could not find a DHCP server when your machine requested a new address.

If you do an ipconfig /renew do you pick up a real address? Did you make changes recently to the networking configuration? Is this a home or work network and are other clients on the same network still able to resolve?

Please post the entire contents of ipconfig /all