Well, for one thing it's not clear whether you expect this to be insertion-order or key-order. For example, what would you expect the result to be if you wrote:

var test = new Dictionary<int, string>();
test.Add(3, "three");
test.Add(2, "two");
test.Add(1, "one");
test.Add(0, "zero");


Would you expect "three" or "zero"?

As it happens, I think the current implementation preserves insertion ordering so long as you never delete anything - but you must not rely on this. It's an implementation detail, and that could change in the future.

Deletions also affect this. For example, what would you expect the result of this program to be?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Test
    static void Main() 
        var test = new Dictionary<int, string>();
        test.Add(3, "three");
        test.Add(2, "two");
        test.Add(1, "one");
        test.Add(0, "zero");

        test.Add(5, "five");

        foreach (var pair in test)

It's actually (on my box) 3, 5, 1, 0. The new entry for 5 has used the vacated entry previously used by 2. That's not going to be guaranteed either though.

Rehashing (when the dictionary's underlying storage needs to be expanded) could affect things... all kinds of things do.

Just don't treat it as an ordered collection. It's not designed for that. Even if it happens to work now, you're relying on undocumented behaviour which goes against the purpose of the class.

A Dictionary<TKey, TValue> represents a Hash Table and in a hashtable there is no notion of order.

The documentation explains it pretty well:

For purposes of enumeration, each item in the dictionary is treated as a KeyValuePair structure representing a value and its key. The order in which the items are returned is undefined.

There's a lot of good ideas here, but scattered, so I'm going to try to create an answer that lays it out better, even though the problem has been answered.

First, a Dictionary has no guaranteed order, so you use it only to quickly look up a key and find a corresponding value, or you enumerate through all the key-value pairs without caring what the order is.

If you want order, you use an OrderedDictionary but the tradeoff is that lookup is slower, so if you don't need order, don't ask for it.

Dictionaries (and HashMap in Java) use hashing. That is O(1) time regardless of the size of your table. Ordered dictionaries typically use some sort of balanced tree which is O(log2(n)) so as your data grows, access gets slower. To compare, for 1 million elements, that's on the order of 2^20, so you'd have to do on the order of 20 lookups for a tree, but 1 for a hash map. That's a LOT faster.

Hashing is deterministic. Non-determinism means when you hash(5) the first time, and you hash(5) the next time, you get a different place. That would be completely useless.

What people meant to say is that if you add things to a dictionary, the order is complicated, and subject to change any time you add (or potentially remove) an element. For example, imagine the hash table has 500k elements into it, and you have 400k values. When you add one more, you reach the critical threshhold because it needs about 20% empty space to be efficient, so it allocates a bigger table (say, 1 million entries) and re-hashes all the values. Now they are all in different locations than they were before.

If you build the same Dictionary twice (read my statement carefully, THE SAME), you will get the same order. But as Jon correctly says, don't count on it. Too many things can make it not the same, even the initially allocated size.

This brings up an excellent point. It is really, really expensive to have to resize a hashmap. That means you have to allocate a bigger table, and re-insert every key-value pair. So it is well worth allocating 10x the memory it needs rather than have even a single grow have to happen. Know your size of hashmap, and preallocate enough if at all possible, it's a huge performance win. And if you have a bad implementation that doesn't resize, it can be a disaster if you pick too small of a size.

Now what Jon argued with me about in my comment in his answer was that if you add objects to a Dictionary in two different runs, you will get two different orderings. True, but that's not the dictionary's fault.

When you say:

new Foo();

you are creating a new object at a new location in memory.

If you use the value Foo as the key in a dictionary, with no other information, the only thing they can do is use the address of the object as the key.

That means that

var f1 = new Foo(1);
var f2 = new Foo(1);

f1 and f2 are not the same object, even if they have the same values.

So if you were to put them into Dictionaries:

var test = new Dictionary<Foo, string>();
test.Add(f1, "zero");

don't expect it to be the same as:

var test = new Dictionary<Foo, string>();
test.Add(f2, "zero");

even if both f1 and f2 have the same values. That has nothing to do with the deterministic behavior of the Dictionary.

Hashing is an awesome topic in computer science, my favorite to teach in data structures.

Check out Cormen and Leiserson for a high end book on red-black trees vs. hashing This guy named Bob has a great site about hashing, and optimal hashes: http://burtleburtle.net/bob

The order is non-deterministic.

From here

For purposes of enumeration, each item in the dictionary is treated as a KeyValuePair structure representing a value and its key. The order in which the items are returned is undefined.

Maybe for your needs OrderedDictionary is the required.