Single word for the holder or location of an item?

I'm looking for a single word to describe the place or person an item is assigned to. The context is basic asset management, where you have a list of assets (such as computers, software licenses or consumables) that can be assigned to people or locations. For example, a laptop can be assigned to its user, a location (storage cupboard with spare laptops) or a company (because it's been sent there for repairs).

None of the words I've come up with quite fit all of the above situations:

  • Assignee, Holder or Bearer don't work very well for locations
  • Location, Whereabouts or Station don't work very well for people

Update: I'm looking for this word not only to label things on screen and in a database, but also to make the concept of assigning things to people/locations as obvious as possible. The right word would make this concept immediately obvious.

Solution 1:

I would probably go with allocation or assignment.

Solution 2:

Have you considered assignation?

Solution 3:

For brevity, you could put -ee for the assignee/location. As noted in etymonline, the two suffixes -ee and -or "came to be used as a pair to denote the initiator and the recipient of an action". But if -ee seems too cryptic, instead try target, which has senses including "reference point to shoot at", "person who is the aim of an attack", "location of the target that is to be hit", and "goal intended to be attained". Technically, either of sink or slot might work, or less impersonally, consider Who/At or Who/Where.