Using UI scripting to enter text in a file dialog

The trick is figuring out how to address the correct control item in the window. See this hint for an explanation of how to get the needed information:

This Applescript code will work on a Finder window named "Titan":

-- text field 1 of group 5 of tool bar 1 of window "Titan" of application process "Finder" of application "System Events"
-- button 1 of text field 1 of group 5 of tool bar 1 of window "Titan" of application process "Finder" of application "System Events"

set windowname to "Titan"
-- set this to name of open Finder window you want to deal with

tell application "Finder"
end tell

tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Finder"
        set value of text field 1 of group 5 of tool bar 1 of window windowname to "Here is some text"
    end tell
end tell

Anyway, the code'll insert "here is some text" into the Finder window's search box. The first 2 lines are comments showing the pieces of the search box. You can probably click on that button too.