How to show/hide an element in real time (Blazor)?

I have an image I would like to display only after a user has filled in all text fields.

I have tried using disabled attribute, but that does not seem to work. Any other insights?

Here is my current code:

<EditForm EditContext="@EditContext" style="max-width:800px;" onkeydown="javascript: DisableEnterKey();">
            <FluentValidator />

            <img src="images/approval-16-grey.ico" alt="Image" disabled="@OkayDisabled">

            <p class="statp">How many families and/or individuals are living on your land?</p><br />

            <label class="statlabel" for="amountOfFamilies">Amount of families:</label><br />
            <InputNumber id="fams" for="indivNum" class="input" @bind-Value="@familyData.IndividualAmount" onwheel="this.blur()" placeholder="Families..." autofocus />
            <ValidationMessage For="() => familyData.IndividualAmount" />

            <br /><hr class="statHR" />

            <label class="statlabel" for="amountOfIndividuals">Amount of single individuals: </label><br />
            <InputNumber id="individuals" for="famNum" class="input" @bind-Value="@familyData.FamilyAmount" onwheel="this.blur()" placeholder="Individuals..."/>
            <ValidationMessage For="() => familyData.FamilyAmount" />

            <br /><hr class="statHR" />

            <label class="statlabel" for="names"> Please enter all of the names here:</label><br />
            <InputTextArea id="names" class="textArea" rows="4" cols="18" @bind-Value="@PersonName" placeholder="Names of all individuals..." />
            <ValidationMessage For="() => familyData.PersonName" />



        private EditContext? EditContext;
        public FamilyData Model = new FamilyData();

        protected string OkayDisabled { get; set; } = "disabled";

        protected override void OnInitialized()
            EditContext = new EditContext(Model);
            EditContext.OnFieldChanged += EditContext_OnFieldChanged;


        protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)


        private void EditContext_OnFieldChanged(object? sender, FieldChangedEventArgs e)

        private void SetOkDisabledStatus()
                OkayDisabled = null;
                OkayDisabled = "disabled";

Solution 1:

The hidden html attribute also works to hide an element.

<p hidden>This paragraph should be hidden.</p>

To bind to Model:

 <p hidden="@HideLabel">I am Hidden When HideLabel == true</p>

 <p hidden="@(!HideLabel)">I am Hidden when Hidelabel == false</p>

 <button @onclick="@Toggle">Show/Hide</button>

 @code {
      private bool HideLabel   {get;set;} = false;
      private void Toggle()
         HideLabel =   !HideLabel;

Solution 2:

Change OkayDisabled to a bool, and then around your image do this

@if (!OkayDisabled)
  <img src=".....whatever" etc />

You might also want to add @bind:event="oninput" wherever you use an @bind.