Use of "in this light"

Yes, the idiom also exists in English. We'd use it as the start of another sentence (I've corrected small errors here).

The presidential candidate was often accused of corruption. In this light, his anti-corruption speech seems nonsensical.

You can also reference the aspect which causes the light.

In light of recent accusations, I have decided to step down as a candidate.

Even further, you can reference shadows (though we wouldn't say "In this shadow").

His candidacy, coming as it did in the shadow of multiple accusations of corruption, was never promising.

"In this light" need not only be used to start a sentence. For example,

"I feel that I am an excellent candidate for the promotion, and hope that the efforts that I have made in the past year will be seen in this light."

Here "will be seen in this light" is equivalent to "will be considered accordingly".