Is it possible to change my MAC address?

The physical MAC address is hardware dependent and is stored on the NIC's ROM (EEPROM) chip. To physically change this you would have to do what is known as flashing the ROM chip on the NIC.

You can however do what is know as "spoofing" which is tricking the operating system to think that it is actually different. It can be done within the registry or using 3rd party software.


You can do this quite easily in Windows for most if not all network cards.

  1. Right click on computer->manage
  2. Select device manager double click on your network card
  3. Select the advanced tab
  4. Select Network Address and enter the MAC address you want to use

This can be usable in situations where your ISP has "locked" your connection to a certain MAC address and not assigning any IP address. It's also found in most home routers on the market for this situation.

Is it possible to change my MAC address?

in a word, yes.

Here's a tutorial for Windows:

Change MAC Address or Physical Address Using Registry Editor (regedit) in Windows

It is operating system dependent, but there are built in mechanisms in Linux to do this and easily used third party tools to do it in Windows.

It is possible, because that address is included in packets that are sent out through the TCP/IP stack, the software will spoof the address in the stack before they leave the host.

If you post your OS, you can get an exact answer on how to do it.