App Store Connect message: Your account will soon need to be migrated to federated auth

I am getting this message on my App Store Connect:

Your account will soon need to be migrated to federated auth. You can start the process now or wait until August 28, 2020 for your account to be migrated automatically.

enter image description here

If I click on "Start the process now", then getting this:

{"data":null,"messages":{"warn":null,"error":["Not Found"],"info":null},"statusCode":"ERROR"}

And when I click on "Learn More", Safari can't open the page for me. It is giving this:

enter image description here enter image description here

So can any of you please tell me what is this all about?

Looks like broken deploy on Apple’s end where they accidentally rolled out an internal page to third-party developers. AppleConnect and Quip are used internally so it’s not surprising to see them mentioned. (The link that is failing to load is behind Apple’s corporate VPN.)

I have contacted Apple Support on phone and they assure me that it is not for developers accounts and I should just ignore it as it is related to Apple Business Manager. And as a confirmation they sent an e-mail to confirm it with some links to help with understanding more about it.

enter image description here