how to see what supervisord configuration is used

According to the documentation (, Supervisor will use the first file it finds.

1) $CWD/supervisord.conf 2) $CWD/etc/supervisord.conf 3) /etc/supervisord.conf

I am comparing two machines, they both do not have /etc/supervisord.conf.

However, for one of them, running the following works no matter where I run the command from:

sudo supervisorctl status

Could there be another setting or environment variable?

How could I find what config file it actually uses when it runs? Is there a verbose mode?

I am confused.


Check the process listing:

$ ps aux | grep supervisor
root      1751  0.0  2.4  53668 12364 ?        Ss   01:41   0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf