Arrays constants can only be used in initializers error

Solution 1:

That means you have to initialize it like this:

public class Proj3{

    public static String [][] Item = {
              {"BH," , "Backhoe," , "200.00"},
              {"ER," , "Electric Rake," , "10.00"},
              {"EL," , "Electric Lawnmower," , "15.00"},
              {"TR," , "Trencher" , "35.00"},
              {"MU," , "Mulcher," , "20.00"},
              {"TS," , "Tree Sprayer," , "22.00"},
              {"CP," , "Cider Press," , "30.00"},
              {"PR," , "Pruner," , "12.00"},
              {"GE," , "Gas Edger," , "20.00"},
              {"RO," , "Roller," , "8.00"}

public static void main(String [] args){

If you want to use the array initializer, you cannot split the declaration and assignment.

Solution 2:

You have two options: In the declaration

private static String[][] item = {...};


Elsewhere using the new keyword private static String[][] item = new String[][]{...}

Also, you'll need to change public proj to public class