NuGet and TFS best practices

Our projects in TFS are organized like this:

$\DefaultCollection\ProjectName\Source  <-- source code goes here

$\DefaultCollection\ProjectName\SharedAssemblies <-- 3rd party binaries go here

Now that NuGet is on the scene, is there any reason to change our approach and use NuGet's packages folder for dlls that come from NuGet-aware projects? I'm leaning against this because

1) it creates two places one must look for dependencies 2) it leaves us open to one developer updating a package and breaking some dependency

That said, if anyone can report a good reason to start using NuGet in a TFS environment, I will happily present your ideas to my team as if they were my own (joke).

Solution 1:

Nuget 1.6 now allows for packages not present to be downloaded dynamically upon build. So you can now check in to source control without the .dlls, but the build itself will pull the correct package.