How do I stop the win+# hotkey from minimizing the focused window?

I have several monitors and use the taskbar autohide feature together with fullscreen applications, so I don't know which window currently has focus. Pressing win+{currently focused window number} makes that window minimized and it is really annoying.

There is a similar question already, but it solves this problem for mouse clicking only.

Solution 1:

It is possible to intercept the keystroke using a program like AutoHotkey. Once installed, you can write and run scripts that intercept keyboard input. The simplest kind of script is called a "hotkey". You simply state a keystroke and the desired action.

You could define the Windows+Num keystroke to do nothing, which would prevent it from being sent to Windows to toggle the visibility of the programs at that slot in the taskbar.


You will lose the capability of launching an application in the taskbar with this simple, global interception. But, I'm sure someone can recommend how to write a script that is aware of the window's focus and taskbar slot.