Foobar 2000 change tracks title

Solution 1:

Foobar2000 has a rename tool already build in. It's a little bit hidden and unknown therefore.

  1. Select your files you want to rename and select Properties in the context menu

    enter image description here

  2. Go to Tools » Automatically fill values...

    enter image description here

  3. Select other as source type and enter blabla %tracknumber%, your fixed string and the corresponding tracknumber.

    Everything wrapped with percent signs are variables. Other common variables are %title%,
    %artist%, %album% or %filename%.

    As last step you have to define the MP3 meta tags to change. In your case you want to change %title%

    enter image description here

  4. Your result: All titles are renamed with a fixed pattern and the tracknumber

    enter image description here

Or use Foobar's plugin masstagger which is similar to use, but more powerful since it can use Foobar's Title Formatting

enter image description here