IdentityServer4 always returning "error": "invalid_scope"

Solution 1:

Double check that your client isn't looking at a scope that isn't configured in your ApiScopes configuration. In the example below, my client registration is looking at "THIS_IS_AN_INVALID_SCOPE", but I don't actually have this scope defined in my ApiScopes.

        public static class Scopes
            public static IEnumerable<ApiScope> Get()
                return new[]
                    new ApiScope("ProtectedResource.Scope1", "Access to ProtectedResource.Scope1"),
                    new ApiScope("ProtectedResource.Scope2", "Access to ProtectedResource.Scope2")
        public static class Clients
            public static IEnumerable<Client> Get()
                return new List<Client>
                    new Client
                        ClientId = "IntegrationTests",
                        ClientName = "Example client application using client credentials",
                        AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ClientCredentials,
                        ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> {new Secret("not_the_actual_password".Sha256())},
                        AllowedScopes = new List<string> {"THIS_IS_AN_INVALID_SCOPE"},
                        AccessTokenLifetime = 300 //5 Minutes

Solution 2:

You have to add ApiScope in the config. was changed in the latest IdentityServer4 just like this:

        public static IEnumerable<ApiScope> GetApiScopes()
        return new List<ApiScope>
                 new ApiScope(name: "read",   displayName: "Read your data."),
                 new ApiScope(name: "write",  displayName: "Write your data."),
                 new ApiScope(name: "delete", displayName: "Delete your data."),
                 new ApiScope(name: "identityserverapi", displayName: "manage identityserver api endpoints.")

Solution 3:

As mentioned by @DES PRO You need to add ApiScope in the config file as below.

    public static IEnumerable<ApiScope> GetApiScopes()
            return new List<ApiScope>
                 new ApiScope(name: "ApiOne")

Then you add the scope to the ConfigureService in Startup.cs class. this answers @raphael question "Where does the Scopes class being used?"

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
