React Native Build Error on IOS - typedef redefinition with different types ('uint8_t' (aka 'unsigned char') vs 'enum clockid_t')

After upgrading React Native from 0.61.5 to 0.63.2, Flipper causes an error on IOS as typedef redefinition with different types ('uint8_t' (aka 'unsigned char') vs 'enum clockid_t')

On github there are a few proposed answers but none of them solved my problem

Is there anyone figured out how to solve this?

Many thanks

Note that if you have use_frameworks! enabled, Flipper will not work and you should disable these next few lines in your Podfile.

  # use_flipper!
  # post_install do |installer|
  #   flipper_post_install(installer)
  # end

Update your pod file with below code.

use_flipper!({ 'Flipper-Folly' => '2.3.0' }) # update this part
 post_install do |installer|


Go to YOUR_PROJECT > ios > Podfile and then comment these lines

  # use_flipper!()

  # post_install do |installer|
  #   react_native_post_install(installer)
  #   __apply_Xcode_12_5_M1_post_install_workaround(installer)
  # end


after step 1 you have to run pod update command on YOUR_PROJECT > ios path.

Bingo its done.


In case you get some errors after doing above 2 steps,

  1. GO to YOUR_PROJECT > ios > YOUR_PROJECT_NAME > and run this command
  2. plutil ./Info.plist it will show you where the issue is.
  3. Then fix that issue from your text editor.