C++ How to allocate memory dynamically on stack?

Is there a way to allocate memory on stack instead of heap? I can't find a good book on this, anyone here got an idea?

Use alloca() (sometimes called _alloca() or _malloca() ), but be very careful about it — it frees its memory when you leave a function, not when you go out of scope, so you'll quickly blow up if you use it inside a loop.

For example, if you have a function like

int foo( int nDataSize, int iterations ) 
   for ( int i = 0; i < iterations ; ++i )
      char *bytes = alloca( nDataSize );
      // the memory above IS NOT FREED when we pass the brace below!
   return 0;
}  // alloca() memory only gets freed here

Then the alloca() will allocate an additional nDataSize bytes every time through the loop. None of the alloca() bytes get freed until you return from the function. So, if you have an nDataSize of 1024 and an iterations of 8, you'll allocate 8 kilobytes before returning. If you have an nDataSize= 65536 and iterations = 32768, you'll allocate a total 65536×32768=2,147,483,648 bytes, almost certainly blowing your stack and causing a crash.

anecdote: You can easily get into trouble if you write past the end of the buffer, especially if you pass the buffer into another function, and that subfunction has the wrong idea about the buffer's length. I once fixed a rather amusing bug where we were using alloca() to create temporary storage for rendering a TrueType font glyph before sending it over to GPU memory. Our font library didn't account for the diacritic in the Swedish Å character when calculating glyph sizes, so it told us to allocate n bytes to store the glyph before rendering, and then actually rendered n+128 bytes. The extra 128 bytes wrote into the call stack, overwriting the return address and inducing a really painful nondeterministic crash!

Since this is tagged C++, typically you just declare the objects you need in the correct scope. They are allocated on the stack, and guaranteed to be released on scope exit. This is RAII, and a critical advantage of C++ over C. No mallocs or news, and especially no allocas, required.

You can declare a local char[1024] or whatever number of bytes you'd like (up to a point), then take the address of the local for a pointer to this block of memory on the stack. Not exactly dynamic, but you could then wrap up this memory with your own memory manager if desired.

See _malloca.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​